Seattle Met composite. Photographs by Rudy Willingham, Carlton Canary, and Chona Kasinger.

You won’t find a Seattle neighborhood with a more fitting name than Beacon Hill. Forget that its moniker evokes a moneyed swath of Boston. For decades, the ridge just south of downtown has beckoned working-class residents from myriad cultures to settle atop its inclusive perch. It’s a place with no racial majority, a community where you can coin a civil rights organization El Centro de la Raza—“the Center for People of All Races”—without sounding quixotic. That diversity has spawned a robust restaurant scene catering to just about any palate, including those who have driven up home prices in recent years. Yes, gentrification poses a threat to the area’s cultural medley. But Beacon Hill has never been one to choose its inhabitants, only to sate them.

In This Feature:

Where to Eat (and Drink) on Beacon Hill

This corner of the city takes tacos and pizza as seriously as its higher-end dining.

09/16/2020 By Allecia Vermillion and Seattle Met Staff

How Beacon Hill's Center Is Shifting

El Centro de la Raza and its surrounds remain a cultural mosaic. But the civil rights organization’s expansion to Federal Way signals a familiar change.

09/16/2020 By Benjamin Cassidy

How a Group of Chef Buddies Joined Forces to Feed Seattle’s Food Insecure

Chef Melissa Miranda says Seattle Community Kitchen Collective will dish up free meals as part of the new normal.

08/04/2020 Edited by Allecia Vermillion By Melissa Miranda