Seattle Met composite image. 

In real estate terms, Rainier Valley and Rainier Beach are hot right now. Houses fly off the market in these South Seattle communities along the western flank of Lake Washington. With that popularity comes some trepidation. While other areas near light rail stops have seen luxury developments go up and longtime residents move out, these neighborhoods have experienced less upheaval than others since the Link arrived. A deep-rooted cultural medley abides in the vicinity of Kubota Garden and the basketball courts where more than a few NBA players first starred. Even a globetrotter would be impressed by the geographic diversity of the cuisine here. It’s this eclectic mix, not a commuter train in a nascent era of hybrid workplaces, that will continue to make this stretch of Seattle such an attractive place to live.

In This Feature:

Where to Eat in Rainier Valley and Rainier Beach

This swath of the city is short on hype, but its restaurants offer a globe’s worth of dishes.

05/21/2021 By Allecia Vermillion and Seattle Met Staff

Meet Washington's Most Promising Basketball Star

Rainier Beach High junior MarJon Beauchamp can ball with the best of them. And he's leading his talent-packed team—now district champs—to a state title.

02/19/2019 By Rosin Saez

Can Rainier Beach Develop Without Displacing Its Residents?

After getting light rail 10 years ago, Rainier Beach hasn’t seen major development. But that’s changing—hopefully for the better.

04/08/2020 By Stefan Milne