Super Market Sweep

How to Do Pike Place in 30 Minutes or Less

Got out-of-town visitors? We've got the guide to showing them the sites.

By Allison Williams Illustrations by Mike Holm June 19, 2018 Published in the July 2018 issue of Seattle Met

1. Corner Produce: Hardly local, but generous with fruit samples.

2. The Fish: Pike Place Fish’s salmon-tossing show is crowded but unmissable. Let your guests elbow in close to dodge halibut whizzing past; you can stand near the No Bicycles signs atop the Post Alley stairs for breathing room.

3. Bring cash for maple bacons at Daily Dozen Doughnut Co.

4. The Gum: A working gag reflex prevents some of us from enjoying the gum wall, but plenty of others love it. Head through First Avenue’s Economy Market Atrium; a hallway between Crepe de France and the stand selling watercolor art leads to windows that overlook the wall-size salute to saliva: Gaze upon it from a safe remove.

5. $15 bouquets are the market's biggest bargain.

6. The Stars: Spot the red “Tom Hanks Sat Here” plaque over a stool in the Athenian seafood restaurant; a photo on the wall shows him between takes with Rob Reiner when Sleepless in Seattle filmed here.

7. El Mercado Latino's hot sauce wall is quirky Insta fodder.

8. The 'Bucks: The classic sign outside the “Original Starbucks” is more of a draw than a store with the usual menu, especially given the long queue. Since it’s not actually the first outpost—that’s long gone—call it good with an exterior pic.

9. The View: An uncrowded corner on the market level, near the Miniature Car Dealer shop, lets you take in mountain-backed ferry vistas away from the foot-traffic jam on the main level above.

10. Exit at Hillclimb for recovery cocktails at Zig Zag Cafe.

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