Have Your Beer and Wear It, Too
The products listed here were selected by a member of the editorial staff. Should you choose to purchase a product through a link on this page, we may receive an affiliate commission.

Dad hats and Great Notion beer. Can't go wrong.
Image: Courtesy Great Notion
Beer is to Father's Day as flowers are to Mother's Day: Not every dad wants it, but most of them would be pleased as spiked punch to find some on their doorstep.
Lest your giftee mistake your carefully chosen six-pack for a last-minute grocery store find, we always recommend pairing food or beverage gifts with something a bit more lasting. Enter: beer gear. Here are a few brew-merch pairings, picked with dad's interests in mind, from some of our favorite PNW breweries.
Lucky Envelope
Helles Lager pairs with Helles Yeah T-Shirt
What do dads love even more than beer? Beer puns. Keep things light with a classic German Helles lager from AAPI-owned Lucky Envelope and a pink T-shirt dad's sure to point to with "Helles Yeah" enthusiasm all day long.
Great Notion
Notion Lite pairs with Cross Axe Dad Hat
This Portland-based brewery (with two Seattle locations) may be best known for its wilder brews—including a Blueberry Muffin sour, whose cans are fittingly adorned with a rather hungry looking bear. But Notion Lite, a light American lager "inspired by dads and their love for classics like Coors," per marketing director Amanda Douglas, will tone things down a bit just in time for Father's Day. Olympia Beer–esque cans say "It's better than water." Find them and a simple, logger-topped dad hat in the Great Notion app closer to the big day for the ultimate in dad-style cool.
Standard Brewing
West Coast IPA pairs with Trucker Hat
Not all dads are the same, okay? Some like lagers. Others like West Coast IPAs. "It’s classic, a style that’s been around for decades, never changing, comforting in it’s forever sameness, just like dad," says Standard Brewing founder Justin Gerardy. Double down on the theme of heartening familiarity with a supremely simple "Standard" trucker hat: "Black and white, no nonsense," Gerardy says, "just like dad."